Wednesday, December 28, 2011


Like our teacher, I don´t like the beach for swim, because the water in Chile is very cold. And neater like take sun because to makes me feel headache.  

But I really love walk for the beach. And for that I recommend the beaches of Chiloé Island, because these have a very specials view.   

I think Mar Brava is one of the more interesting beaches in Chiloé Island. This place has green voyage and hills and rocky beach with grey sable.

In Mar Brava are an archaeological sites when we are found shells, pieces of potteries, animal´s bones remains, one “animita” with flowers rests and human bones of 6000  years old. Turn this site in the more ancient of the Island.  

This site is protected for the Commission of National Monuments but still that some people want to build there a park of wind power. The community is angry because this initiative not only affects the archeological site but generate ecological changes, because affect the course of migration of the birds.

For all that I recommend visit this place if you can. I went there twice, with my family and friends, but I like return there to study the site for make a research.


Thursday, December 15, 2011

Go to the Park

I like go to walk for the park that is my favorite outdoor activity. Perhaps because I lived in the countryside until age nine.  I love walk between the trees, just walk and walk and walk. Sit-down and appreciate the view. For that in my teens I choose to do outdoors activity like climb, trekking and camping: in this time I went to Mahuida Park in “La Reina Alta”, “Sun Park” in Barnechea, “Cajón of Maipo”, “Las Chilcas” (in north route near of Santiago) and “Los Puquios” near of Chillán.
Then I went to the park with friends and my boyfriend to make social life, my favorite’s parks in this time was Forestal and Intercomunal. Before I left all the parks for Gomez Millas, was my second home, I love it.    
In my time in Buenos Aires reinforce my parks love and walk all the Sundays for Palermo Woods and for Francia square. I love the museums in the park like Quinta Normal in Chile, is perfect for me.
Now I am going, very frequently, to the park near of my flat called Montegrande, with my son Tomás. Is very big and beautiful, with children plays areas and many different places to sit.    

Monday, December 12, 2011

song´s collage

The last Wednesday we -my friends and I- spoke about this topic. For that I have a lot of song in mind in this moment. Really I don´t have one song in particular.
Well, twenty years ago is the most “past” can I remember. In this time I learned to dance with Juan Luis Guerra. I cried of pain for first time with “El Unicornio Azul” of Silvio Rodriguez. And always for lunch, I was “Sopa de Cararol”.
My first cassette was of Mecano.
My first dance with friends was with “El baile del perrito” (A very modern dance!). And my cousin and I to made sketches of Marta Sanchez and Locomia.
Then, like others girls of my age, I love Cristina y los Subterraneo songs. That was special for me as well it is remembered when my father sang sad boleros for my sister and I. For me in particular sang a Mexican “corrido” called “La Valentina”, a song of the Mexican Revolution.
That kind of songs, the political songs, always brought our childhood, because we are sons and nephews of exiled and tortured people. We learned to play guitar with “Todos juntos” of the Jaivas, and songs like “Manuel Rodriguez” and all the collection of Inti Illimmani. Was the time of “Chileee, la alegría ya vieneeee” ¿you remember that guys? Never come in any way…