Friday, June 3, 2011


In Response to Beatriz I think the new law about the genetically modified seeds is just terrible. And I´m appreciated you (Beatriz) shared with as this awful new.
But I´ will talk about other new: the hunger strike of the four Mapuche´s communal land owners. They are 80 days in hunger strike!!! I saw today in CNN Chile TV news they continued in strike although their sentences were reduced by the Supreme Court. But the TV and paper news like a “La Tercera” y “El Mercurio” don’t tell the complete story. Fortunately, alternative Medias like a “Le Monde Diplomatic” bring more information…
  José Huenuche Reimán, Jonathan Huillical, Ramón LLanquileo Pilquimán y Héctor Llaitul are accused to terrorist attack against to a public prosecutor, Mario Elgueta, in October 2008. They declared in press release acting in self defense against violent police´s mass searches. They accuse the police to safeguard the interests of forestry companies (including Endesa) who operating around 3.6 million hectares versus 500 000 which occupies the Mapuche nation. As all know that controversy lands was sold in the Pinochet´s military dictatorship to the companies, although the problem is older. But, what is really troubling here is that the dictatorship laws continue to apply in democracy that is the case of the 18.314 law which allows the police and justice freely pursue those deemed terrorists. That law was to refer for the Bachelet´s Government and her Interior Minister Edmundo Perez Yoma.
 This fact makes a mockery of democracy, if you still believe in it.
Personally, I no longer surprise me anything.


  1. it`s a terrible news... more of 80 days and like always it`s keeps in silence...
    good summary of the conflict

  2. Unfortunately we will never see this news on tv channels.
    Supposedly I was born in democracy but I think I have not known yet.

  3. The news always tell half the story. I hope everything goes well for them.

  4. Daily Mercurio not only lies, all means do it!
